Redflex, ATS to be ousted from Arizona roads with SB1352

January 28, 2011

After much anticipation, the Photo Radar Prohibition bill (SB1352) is now available online for viewing. Introduced by AZ State Senator Frank Antenori, it is an all out ban on the photo ticketing scam in Arizona.

In the past few days, many cosponsors have stepped forward to sign SB1352, giving it widespread support.

Call, e-mail and fax your legislators to let them know you’re fully in favor of banning the scameras in AZ.

Lookup for your own State Rep here.

Great example letter you can cut and paste or reword here

Frank Antenori to Push Red Light Camera Ban in AZ

January 21, 2011

Finally someone is ready to sponsor a bill that echos the will of the people in Arizona.

No matter what pundits outside of this state have speculated about, photo ticketing is the most galvanizing issue for the people of Arizona.

<read more>

ATS Stops Flashing Baytown

January 19, 2011

...but I don't WANT to put my cameras away! *sniffle*

Like spoiled children who hate it when they don’t get their way, ATS and their metal, flashing, driver distracting red light scameras threw a 2 month long fit in Baytown, TX.

<read more>


Beaverton, OR braces for $400 right on red scam tickets

January 3, 2011

Beaverton is about to become a lot less friendly, and less safe to drive in for that matter. Redflex cameras, which usually cause erratic driving and increased collisions, will start ticketing drivers who turn right on red in that town.

<read more>

Toll Roads Would Bring Back Freeway Cameras, Fines

December 29, 2010

Proposed Arizona toll roads are back in the news. This time they’ve been given a “hot” new name. “HOT” lanes or High Occupancy Toll lanes would allow for some motorists to pay for the right to drive in HOV lanes during heavy traffic times without having any passengers.

Don’t let the name fool you. This is a backdoor conversion of AZ Highways to toll roads.

And here many of you thought you’d left toll roads behind on the East Coast and Midwest. How do terrible ideas like this one keep finding their way to our state?

It’s hard to know where to begin addressing all the headaches this will cause everyone who uses the freeway system. To sum it up with one question, “How would you like to see your freeways, which your tax dollars already paid for, be torn up, made more dangerous and congested, the cameras brought back and have to pay for the privilege to drive on them?” That’s the offer on the table from those in Arizona State Legislature who would love to fleece the motoring public once again.

The often pro-scamera AZ Republic published an article today on the HOT lanes and their benefits.They included a poll which diluted the issue. on the other hand, published a simple up or down poll and clearly the public does not want toll roads or lanes in Arizona, based on their results.

When justifications like, “easing congestion,” “pay to bypass traffic” or others are used, just know that this is a way for your state or county government to sell roads that we’ve already paid for to foreign companies like Macquarie and Cintra, then charge you to drive on them. Cameras would be used to enforce the toll lanes, which means it would be very easy for photo radar to be included.

Does this remind anyone of the Redflex scam?

Top 10 CameraFRAUD Stories from 2010 – Part II

December 28, 2010

5. Redflex CEO forced to admit that company falsified FCC documents for 11 years

In what amounted to a nuisance lawsuit by American Traffic Solutions (ATS) against Redflex, it was hard to gauge which side was more damaged by the proceedings.

A federal Judge said about ATS’s performance in court, “”At best the plaintiff has an extraordinarily weak case… it is weak at every point.”

Conversely, Redflex’s CEO Karen Finley was forced to admit under oath that it falsified FCC documents saying that their mobile radar equipment was exempt from certification and used those false documents for 11 years. That admission amounts to millions of photo tickets that are now in question.


4. Redflex Traffic Systems spent 2010 circling the drain

It wasn’t easy being a member of this Aussie operation. Let’s review their lowlights:

*Attacked repeatedly by Australian and US media

*Sued by rival ATS

*Lost millions on Arizona contract failure

*Profits dropped by 92%

It’s no wonder employee morale is reported to be at an all time low and the company is for sale. Will 2011 be the end of Redflex?


3. Tempe Scamera Lawsuits

In October, a massive RICO lawsuit was brought against the City of Tempe, Redflex and many politicians and law enforcement officials. If successful, the suit filed by Daniel Gutenkauf could bring down the entire photo ticketing fraud ring in Arizona.

Less than two months later, Redflex Traffic Systems, in a desperate move served its own customer, the City of Tempe with a separate lawsuit. They are seeking what the scamera vendor alleges are lost profits from defensive driving school fees charged to motorists who opt out of paying their photo tickets.

There certainly is no honor among thieves.


2. Every Camera Ban Initiative Wins on Election Day

A lot of cameras came down in 2010 thanks to citizens initiatives

American Traffic Solutions really felt the wrath of the voters on election day in 2010. Their cameras were ousted by citizens initiatives in:

Garfield Hts, OH (Cleveland suburb)

Mukilteo, WA (Seattle suburb)

Anaheim, CA

Baytown, TX and Houston, TX

Congrats go out to all our friends in the fight against scameras from across the US who pushed back on Big Brother and abusive government. November 2nd, 2010 was a day to remember.


1. Arizona Freeway Scamera System comes to an end

Under immense pressure from the Arizona Citizens Against Photo Radar initiative to ban all forms of photo ticketing in the state, the Redflex contract with AZ DPS was not renewed.

The ban photo radar petition in Arizona was the #1 non-paid citizens initiative in the entire US for 2010. Because the will of the people was spoken so loudly and clearly, a victory against the menacing freeway cameras was won. Thanks to all the hard work of signature gatherers and the volunteers who made this effort possible. We didn’t get everything we wanted, but the message was heard by your elected officials at the state capitol.

Of course the ultimate goal is to ban all forms of photo ticketing in Arizona. That goal moves forward in 2011!

A sincere thank you to everyone who supports our cause. We simply couldn’t do it without you.

The CameraFRAUD Family


Top 10 CameraFRAUD Stories From 2010 – Part I

December 27, 2010

News in the world of scameras was everywhere in 2010. It would be nearly impossible to cover it all, but we’d first like to thank our friends from across the country for providing endless info and effort to push back on the fraud that is photo ticketing. Our right sidebar is where you’ll find links to their websites filled with stories of volunteers fighting the same good fight that we have been since 2008 in Arizona.

Collectively we accomplished a lot in 2010, but what’s coming in 2011 will more than likely be even bigger and better, so get ready.

In the first part of this look back, we’ll give you  stories #10 – #6. Tuesday will feature the top 5.

10. The Easter Bunny “Eggs Photo Radar.”

On the day before Easter, Shelton was on the scene at the intersection of Rural and University in Tempe to film an unknown person dressed up like the Easter Bunny “doing the job that Arizona State Legislature” refused to do in 2010. The egg definitely spoiled some serious profits for Redflex


9. Stats from all over show that cameras create more dangerous intersections and roadways.

Time and time again, statistics from independent studies and state departments of transportation show that camera installation is associated with increased accidents. Here are a few more examples (of many) that were released in 2010.

Los Angeles

New Mexico

Baytown, TX

Winnipeg, Canada


8. CameraFRAUD is covered by The Fox News Channel.

Because of the magnitude of the scamera issue, national news coverage is nothing new, but this report by the infamous news outlet in March covered angles that had been neglected by other national press.


7. Paradise Valley photo radar and red light cam scam takes major heat.

Paradise Valley was the first municipality in the United States to adopt photo ticketing. The initiative to ban the cameras in that town began to expose politicians, law enforcement and judges who are what we call “scamera apologists.”

In September, Channel 10 gave us the chance to have a  debate with former Police Chief John Wintersteen who has a very cozy relationship with both Redflex and ATS.


6. California begins to see through the red light camera rhetoric

Anaheim and Loma Linda saw major victories for the anti-photo ticketing movement. Anaheim was one of 5 cities that were able to vote on banning red light cameras and had the largest margin of victory with 73% casting their ballot to keep ATS’s automated ticketing machines out of their intersections.

Loma Linda city council was presented with clear evidence that red light cams are dangerous and signal timing is what actually increases safety. In an amazing display of common sense and public service, the cameras were taken down and an extra second added to yellow light times.

That city will undoubtedly see a decrease in collisions and more friendly intersections for motorists. Hopefully that action will serve as a model for many other municipalities who are actually trying to do the right thing and protect their citizens rights while increasing safety. This was the definition of win-win.

Come back Tuesday for our Top 5 stories from 2010!


Christmas, CameraFRAUD Style

December 24, 2010

Whatever your persuasion, these Christmas videos always seem to bring about that holiday cheer that can only come from those who truly appreciate all the freedoms and liberties we stand up for as Americans.


**you may need to click the link to watch these videos on**


The Rutherford Institute Takes on Red Light Cameras

December 23, 2010

The same group who sued the Department of Homeland Security and TSA on behalf of a pilot who was not allowed to do his job because he wouldn’t submit to an irradiating body scan or invasive groping, has focused its attention on red light scameras.

This is just another reason to stay tuned in 2011 for the continued fight against “Big Brother’s” assault on our personal liberty.


Redflex Lawsuit Will Cost Tempe Taxpayers

December 21, 2010

Tempe and Redflex aren’t talking because, well, their talking points are now gone. Any justification either one had left for the ring of scameras found within that city can no longer be used.

Photo radar is now costing everyone in Tempe money for legal fees, regardless of whether they’ve been ticketed.

This is clearly about money, always has been and now the local media is having a different conversation than they were two years ago. The biggest change is the PR campaign by city officials and camera company lobbyists has transformed into a silence routine. They know they’re finished and are just attempting to “bury the lead.”

Unfortunately for them, they don’t have that option anymore. 3TV tried to get both sides to comment on their impending lawsuit and both declined.

It’s a good thing we all know what the score is!
