HB 2579 Goes to Arizona House of Reps Transportation Committee on 2/21

February 17, 2013

From the CameraFRAUD meetup group:

Sunday, February 17, 2013 to Thursday, February 21, 2013, 7:00 AM

There’s no way to tell which order the chairman (Karen Fann) will schedule it, but the info is available here – [link]

This bill would make using ANY unmanned devices to issue traffic citations and fines illegal in the state of Arizona. That would mean all of Redflex and ATS’s scameras would come down and be shipped out to another state that still puts up with this unconstitutional racketeering.The best way you as an individual can help would be to swing by the House of Reps building at 1700 W Washington in Phoenix, sign into their system and register as a supporter of this bill. We understand that many of you couldn’t fit that into your schedules, so there’s another option…

The next best thing you could do is send a friendly email to every member of the transportation committee before Thursday and let them know why you personally want these cameras off your streets and traffic lights. They want to hear from you!

Spread the word far and wide that a bill to ban the scameras is once again making its way through Arizona Legislature. We’ve lost by just one vote the last two years, so any help we get could push us over the top this year!

Copy/paste the list below or email each individually:

kfann@azleg.gov, rgray@azleg.gov, vsteele@azleg.gov, bbarton@azleg.gov, sborrelli@azleg.gov, jescamilla@azleg.gov

Ban Redflex and American Traffic Solutions

The Photo Radar Prohibition Bill (HB 2579) will be voted on in the Arizona House of Reps Transportation Committee on Thursday February 21st.

Time Magazine – “Big Brother Backlash”

February 16, 2012

The CameraFRAUD meetup group was mentioned in this piece by Time Magazine’s “Moneyland.”

With bills like SCR 1029 making their way through state legislatures in Arizona, Iowa, Colorado and Florida to name a few in 2012, the citizen backlash is being felt by politicians everywhere on the state level.

The question is, are they listening?

Read entire article at moneyland.time.com.

Red Light Camera Company Steals From Elderly

December 14, 2011

Courtesy of WarOnDriving.com:

Florida Red Light Cameras Scam Woman on Fixed Income

Nobody who’s paying attention is going to pretend the US economy is in good shape, nor has it been since 2007.

In Green Cove, Florida a retiree was not only sent one of these scam tickets, but was charged extra just to fight it in court.

What a racket they have going out there in North Florida. From the news report below by First Coast News, it sounds like the cameras are on the way to even more communities.

Will the citizens of Green Cove say enough is enough?

Motorists in Texas Can Take it Off! (License Plates)

December 6, 2011

Courtesy of WarOnDriving.com:

Texas Gaffe Means No License Plate = No Problem

Every motorist in Texas is now exempt from photo tickets from speed cameras, red light cameras and toll road enforcement cameras, starting January 1st, 2012.Texas legislature left a key provision out of the latest version of their Transportation Omnibus Bill that penalizes drivers for not visibly displaying a license plate on their vehicle, reports TheNewspaper.com[BILL]
Once this bill becomes law, it cannot be changed for two years because Texas Legislature only convenes every other year.

“What Happens?” + a CF announcement

July 26, 2011

What Happens?

What happens when cities (predictably) ignore elections?

What happens when their police departments illegally arrest activists – repeatedly – for daring to speak out against rampant surveillance and inappropriate corporate control over entire municipalities?

What happens when entire state governments are unable or unwilling to listen to the will of the people regarding foreign corporations who base their revenue expectations on mail fraud and phony tickets?

What happens when government considers mere movement a privilege instead of an inherent right?

They get painfully exposed by CameraFRAUD.


New tools. New Features. New Websites —Coming Soon.

It’s time to redefine activism. It’s time to act.

Join us today

as we begin beta testing

the new CameraFRAUD 2012: Forum

One Step Closer: LA Red Light Cameras Voted Down AGAIN

July 25, 2011

LA residents will enjoy safer intersections starting August 2011!

The big one is coming. Los Angeles City Council will overwhelmingly vote to end the red light camera program…. this week!

The formalities are mind-numbing, but they’re going to come quickly this week after the inevitable was delayed by some lame-brained scheming courtesy of American Traffic Solutions CEO Jim Tuton.

[read more]

Cameras Turned Back On; Houston Media Calls For Uprising

July 24, 2011

The betrayal is complete. A two-faced mayor, completely corrupted judge and litigious organized crime operation (American Traffic Solutions) have come together to thwart an election.

As of midnight central time, red light scameras in Houston are back on and tickets will begin to be mailed out this week.

[read more]

Houston Hospitals “Shafted” by City, American Traffic Solutions

July 21, 2011

Every red light scamera package needs to be sold with some type of emotional appeal, disgusting and two-faced as it may be.

Prior to last November’s vote to ban red light cams in Houston, ATS used the tactic of running ads which gave the impression that there was some type of populist support for their fraud boxes and even more insidiously, that money from fines would go to “Level 1 Trauma Centers.”

[read more]

Mandatory “Black Boxes” to be Installed in All New Cars

June 1, 2011

Who needs a speed camera when your car will just alert the local police when you’ve been allegedly exceeding the speed limit?

The US Auto industry, which is gasping for air as we speak, has just been given a mandate by the Federal Gov’t which may finally kill it.


Per mandate, any car built or sold in the US will have one of these installed starting June 1, 2011




Redflex Speed Camera Causes Serious Collision; Rendered Inoperable

June 1, 2011

Does this look like a safe location for a large metal, flashing object? Shoulders are there for a reason.

Arizona saw a few documented accidents caused by freeway speed cameras and scamera vans. Last week a similar accident happened in Sioux City, IA.

<read more>