Redflex, ATS and Red Means Stop Recruit Young Sockpuppeteer with Fake Twitter Following

March 16, 2014

The Scamera bandits and their hired apologists like Red Means Stop just can’t seem to help themselves. You may remember that Red Means Stop is bankrolled by Redflex and American Traffic Solutions. It’s so lovely when those two can work together to create nausea inducing phony public awareness campaigns.

Now that more and more courts and politicians have begun to reject ticket scameras, the only tactic left is to indoctrinate the youth, which is just what they’re attempting. The only question is how to find the right person to advocate for organized crime, masquerading as public safety. It looks like the scamera cartel found their gal in Jordan Hibbs. Hibbs is currently in hot water for purchasing almost her entire following on twitter, amounting to 18,000, to boost her profile. Looks like we have a perfect match! Read more below:

Redflex, ATS Front Group Props up “Political Tool” with Fake Twitter Following

The key to getting people hooked on bad habits for life is to start them young. Just ask tobacco and alcohol companies, who notoriously catered their ads to minors for decades.It serves as no surprise then, that a failing industry like photo ticketing would be looking to youthful advocates in an attempt to indoctrinate impressionable go-getters and score a new face for their scam. It looks like a woman named Jordan Hibbs, of ASU, has been snatched up by an American Traffic Solutions/Redflex front group. As it turns out, she may just be the perfect person to assume their spokes person roll. Jordan admits, she’s not afraid to “fake it” as long as it elevates her status in the process. More on that is coming up.

Scamera Company Propaganda is a Shadowy Game

This dark side of propaganda certainly has not escaped red light camera and photo radar companies. In fact, their astroturf front groups like Red Means Stop fill their coffers with hefty donations from the two profit-driven camera vendors, Redflex and American Traffic Solutions. The organization will then advocate for “safe roads,” but conveniently ignore best practices to achieve that goal, like longer yellow light times. They  instead claim the only solution is to put up cameras. It’s more than a cozy relationship, it’s dishonest and damaging to the safety goals they claim to advocate.


Sen John McCain with lobbyist group, Red Means Stop

Enter Jordan Hibbs, a high profile attendee of Arizona State University. She has amassed what would appear to be quite a following on Social Media, specifically Twitter, where she boasts 18k followers. That high of a number for someone who isn’t a public figure didn’t make sense to one ASU student who did some investigating and pointed out that most of this following was fake and probably purchased by Hibbs. Hibbs admitted as much in a mea culpa press release, posted on her website.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step, Jordan. But dark times await this young politico, or “Political Tool,” as called her. She not only still works for Wrong on Red and ATS/Redflex via proxy, but she’s now listed at secretary for the group. If she was truly interested in advocating safe driving, she’d ditch the triangle of fraud that exists between her organization and the two vendors who make money by shortening yellow light times and lying about their products’ safety record.


Hibbs proudly boasts of her role with Astro-turfing Red Means Stop

Stick with these folks, Ms. Hibbs, and you can throw any hope of restoring integrity out the window. You’ll be longing for the days that you only had to apologize for buying some fake friends online.


SCR 1029 Passes Senate, on to the House; Redflex, ATS on brink of being voted out of AZ

March 10, 2011

The decision in the Arizona Senate went the way most were expecting for SCR 1029 which would put photo ticketing to a state-wide vote.

The final vote count was 18-12. Two R’s, Michele Reagan and Adam Driggs along with one D, Kyrsten Sinema switched from their No vote on SB 1352 to a Yes vote on SCR 1029, which has the same language.

It is not yet known how things will play out in the AZ House, but a decision on that floor is expected next week or the following.

If this vote to bring down the scameras all across Arizona is approved by the House, it will skip over Governor Jan Brewer’s desk and go straight to a citizens vote. The rule is that the Governor has no say on SCRs. However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves

It is of utmost importance to begin contacting AZ House reps today!

They must know, just as the Senate members found out from hundreds of your emails, that the citizens of Arizona want ALL the cameras to come down and deserve to vote on it.

Below is a roster and contact info for each. Please make it a priority to send them your thoughts about photo ticketing, even if it’s just a sentence or two. Give them a story, anecdote or data you’ve seen that shows the cameras cause erratic driving and more collisions. The more personal, the better.

We are getting closer….

Link to AZ House member roster

or use the lists below:

AZ House email list in Word format

AZ House email list in PDF format

or call their office directly..

AZ House phone list (Word)

AZ House phone list (PDF)

AZ Firefighter: Red Light Camera Program a Sham

February 19, 2011

A CameraFRAUD member, who is a local Fireman, sent us the text of a letter he has sent to several Arizona state legislators.

This member also commented that he collected dozens of signatures to ban photo ticketing in Arizona from Police Officers who felt the same way he did, but are bound by rules for public employees not to speak out.

We’ve kept this info confidential in order to comply with unfair rules that city and state employees are bound by in public statements about their jobs.


For your research into voting on SB1352, “Photo Radar Prohibition”, I would like to provide you with my personal experiences as a firefighter of 25 years in how photo traffic enforcement has negatively effected the publics safety. Then, I would like to illustrate how the photo traffic enforcement industry and their supporters have consistently altered the raw data into their favor for financial gain.

I was assigned at an East Valley fire station in the 1990’s when one of the first red-light cameras were installed there. Within a few weeks, I realized that we were responding to those monitored intersections for vehicle accidents more than ever before. Initially, we were told that the increase in accidents was only temporary and then that the rear-end collisions were a trade-off for more severe accidents. Regardless, we heard often from drivers who blamed the cameras for their unfortunate actions. Months later, the entire crew laughed around the kitchen table when press releases erroneously stated that accidents were down and the cameras were working. Since that time, I have continued to see a higher rate of accidents where cameras are located no matter what my fire station assignment has been.

In 2001, it was found that violations had suddenly decreased 73% overnight at 5 of the 17 cameras of the city that I worked for. It turned out that a city worker had increased the yellow light timing at these intersections from slightly below the federal minimum to approximately one second above. The police department wasted no time in celebrating the reduction in the press, but the camera vendor took legal action against the city for breech of contract. The change was apparently costing them and the city $300,000 a month in potential revenue. Subsequently, the cameras at those five originally identified as “deadly intersections” were removed. At this point, I realized beyond any doubt that photo enforcement was all about money.

Over the years, I have followed this issue closely and have seen an unwavering trend in the reports given to the media. Simply put, studies that favor photo enforcement can be traced back to the camera companies, insurance industry, or others who gain to make money from the technology, as they are very skilled in how they work the statistics to their favor. The most recent national study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) is an example of this, as they deemed a suburb of Phoenix as the poster child for red-light cameras with a 79 percent decrease in fatal accidents. When one looks past the numbers, it is revealed that the study is scientifically flawed, fails to account for a multitude of roadway infrastructure upgrades that hold many driver safety benefits of their own, a continuous decline of the nationwide fatal accident rates, and so much more.

Reports that find neutral or negative findings with the camera technology are from organizations that have no financial stake in the matter. The Virginia Transportation Research Council and Texas Transportation Institute are two of the most respected organizations that each completed their own exhaustive studies finding that photo enforcement increased accidents and caused taxpayers more money in the long run. These reports both recommended that a more efficient route to safety would be in intersection re-engineering, more visible traffic lights, proper yellow light timing, and more.

As a politician, I am sure that you have seen when one statistic can be used to argue either side of the debate. However, when all of the details are revealed and the trickery is exposed, only one side is left standing. I urge you to look past all of the numbers that you are presented with for the unbiased truth.

In closing, all 15 of the past elections across the USA where voters got a chance to speak their mind on photo enforcement, they gave walking papers to the camera companies in all 15 elections. Ironically, just before most of those elections, commissioned polls by the camera companies themselves stated that photo enforcement was overwhelmingly favored. Now, add in the (failed by a slim margin) petition to put such a vote to Arizonians that resulted in just shy of 150000 signatures and approximately 70% of the drivers who refused to pay their citations from the 18 month freeway camera program, well, that should speak volumes to any elected servant of the people.

I hope that you will endorse this bill with your vote and put Arizona down as the 15th state of the Union that ban photo traffic enforcement. Thank you for your time in reading this letter and your public service in office.

End letter.

The cameras are coming down.

Photo Radar/Red Light Camera Ban Call to Action

February 14, 2011

Last week, an email was sent out to the CameraFRAUD meetup group about SB1352 being heard in the Government Reform Committee on Wednesday February 16th, starting at 9 am.

Quoting from the letter:

If you are a big supporter of our cause or haven’t been involved in a while, we absolutely need your help! We’ve maneuvered SB1352 into the Government Affairs committee, where 4 of the members actually cosponsored it. If the committee approves it, the bill can be moved to the Senate floor for a debate.
Bill Discussion:
Wednesday February 16th, 9 am.
Arizona State Senate – Gov’t Reform Committee
Capitol Complex
1700 W Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
You will be able to find the group out front around 0830.
Come ready to speak, even if it’s just for a minute or two. We need as many people as possible. Be positive and remember that we are winning this argument now.
Let’s all get down to the capitol complex and speak out in favor of this ban on photo ticketing! We’ve put up with this long enough and it’s time to put a stop to the shortened yellow lights, increased collisions, Constitution shredding and unwarranted surveillance-tracking.