Paradise Valley (Former) Police Chief Advocates for Redflex; Discredited

John Wintersteen, the former Chief of Police of Paradise Valley was the guest of honor at the Scamera Summit Luncheon in January, where he was asked by Redflex and ATS to file a petition to subvert due process in Arizona which would make the photo ticketing scam more profitable.

On Thursday, he debated CameraFRAUD on Fox 10 and exposed himself as the Redflex advocate that he is, calling them “an upstanding company.” Watch as his arguments fall apart one by one.


21 Responses to Paradise Valley (Former) Police Chief Advocates for Redflex; Discredited

  1. 4409 says:

    Head of CameraFRAUD….LMAO

  2. 4409 says:

    Shawn is no head of CameraFRAUD but I will admit Wintersteen got freaking owned….hahahahahahah

  3. photoradarscam says:

    Shawn did an awesome job. John Hook helped out pretty good too 😉

  4. reason says:

    chief got pwned. big time.

  5. The people of PV actually hate this system more than other places. Many made a special trip out to the polling place we were sitting at on primary election day to sign our petition.

    They said very negative things about the system, including calling Paradise Valley a “Police State.” Wintersteen does not know his community very well, or he’s just willing to play Baghdad Bob for Redflex until those cameras finally come down.

  6. Sure says:

    Last night at the PV city council meeting the chief police told the city council that PV police never review the photo radar tickets (view the violations). The chief of police deputizes Redflex employees who issue the tickets. Yes, he deputizes the employees of a foreign owned corporation.

  7. Stacey says:

    Shawn Rocks!!!!!!!!!!! He did a good job.

  8. kandaris says:

    Great job Shawn. What a punk John Wintersteen is… I can’t believe he ever held such an important position.

  9. V says:

    Did anybody catch the local news last night? Even the news stations were parroting how an “overwhelmingly” number of PV residents support the cameras. They even interviewed a couple middle aged, paranoid soccer moms to further their BS. Arizona is indeed a fascist state; and the camera companies are now in the pockets of the local media.

  10. No big driving changes since photo radar ended
    by Bob McClay/KTAR (September 17th, 2010 @ 10:47am)

  11. Barnet Fagel says:

    Way to go Mr. Dow. You were prepared, the former chief was not.
    One might say the camera guy was out gunned.

    • B says:

      It sounded like Wintersteen expected a walk in the park, with some softball questions from the anchor and a “nutcase” he could easily debunk. He was clearly flustered by the end of the segment.

  12. LoneWolf says:

    As head of Camerafraud, you did a great job, Shawn! Keep up the good work! You slammed him hard and I hope it woke up some of the city’s sheep in the process.

  13. How do yellow light times get “shortened on accident?”

  14. AP News story on AZ Citizens Against Photo Radar and the low pay rate of photo tickets in PV

  15. jason says:

    Great job Shawn. That was funny. Your smile while you were sitting back was also funny. I guess you can’t go wrong when you are telling the truth 🙂

  16. B says:

    I just watched this clip, and Shawn sounded much better prepared than for that snake oil salesman Heiler months ago.

    You’ve gotta love it when the shill – er, police chief Wintersteen – started adding the word, “safety”, to his phrases to do the subliminal bombardment… The shill held his ground fairly well, considering the arena he stepped into, and I think that when John (the Fox anchor) asked about fatalities and accidents going down and, “Why not use the technology?”, Shawn should’ve debunked the DPS-massaged statistics and gone after the, “It’s the economy, stupid,” and that accidents are down across the nation. I’d also make sure that the public knows just how high of a percentage of all photo radar revenue goes into the camera companies’ coffers. If people knew exactly how much money is NOT going towards the city’s budget and was paying executives on another continent, they’d see just how corrupt this “safety” system is.

    With all that said, I’m grading tough here, though. Shawn, you did a great job!

    BTW – This PV vote MUST go CF’s way because this is huge. The camera companies aren’t stupid; As was mentioned at a CF meeting in August, towns hate these elections. If they lose an election in PV, the other city councils will take heed and the tide will turn against the camera companies. The councils around the valley will see the very real crosshairs on their backs and start to buckle. ATS and Redflex will not go down without a STRONG pro-camera PR campaign.

  17. Harold Smith says:

    hahaahha why did he do that ? exposed himself as the Head of CameraFRAUD??? LOL

    Harold Smith
    hair growth treatments consultant

  18. PV Town Council is afraid to let their own citizens vote. Something funny is going on.

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