Los Angeles Red Light Camera Program is a Failure

Why keep a system in place that doesn’t benefit the public, costs the tax payers money and has been tied to an increase in collisions?

You’ll have to ask Redflex Traffic Systems, ATS and their lobbyists. The only problem is that they’re not talking.

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12 Responses to Los Angeles Red Light Camera Program is a Failure

  1. Dackman says:

    Study finds red light cameras cut fatal crashes
    Published February 01, 2011 Associated Press

    Another BS article posted this morning on Foxnews.com

  2. formercaresident says:

    How about a camera in your representatives & Senator office to keep a eye on them will prevent corruption ……………….

  3. photoradarscam says:

    My guess is that this study has purposely been timed to counter the press that SB1352 is about to get.

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by RT4Liberty and Shawn Dow, Marilyn Morehouse. Marilyn Morehouse said: Traffic Depot Update Los Angeles Red Light Camera Program is a Failure http://bit.ly/iiFHnN #traffic #camera […]

  5. Both Channel 12 and Channel 15 called the city of Chandler and were told that

    A. Chandler was never contacted to verify these numbers
    B. The numbers in that IIHS study are bogus

  6. Anonymous says:

    every time there is too many complaints by the population there is a problem. the highway red light roberry camera are about to be put to rest. 500 plus a ticket in a bad economy environement is bad for the ecomy and bad for the city. the people are the one who makes the economy of a city. if people cannot afford to make purchases in stores because they have to pay high gas price or waste 500 to red light highway roberry I am quiet sure you undestand what it means to the econony. giving away money to the police commissioner is not the best way to bringing back a strugling economy. it is by purchasing things in stores that brings jobs AND REDUCES the unemployment rate.

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