Sign Wave Today near ASU!


On Friday, the patriots of CameraFraud once again come together at one of the most notorious and sinister RedFlex intersections in the valley, University & Rural next to ASU.  Come out and show your support by demonstrating with us on the corner.  Lets remind all the ASU students and Tempe residents about the combo scameras (speed & redlight) at this dangerous intersection.

These “combo” cameras are much more dangerous than regular speed cameras because they get you whether you are stuck in the intersection (like during heavy traffic) or whether you speed up slightly to avoid being in the intersection on red.  (Tail I win.. Heads you lose..) Or you could resort to what many drivers do and slam on their breaks before approaching the sensors- and cause a rear-end collision…  Combo cameras are yet another deadly reason why the scameras need to be coming down in November…

Come out and show your support Friday afternoon; we’ll be starting around 5pm and going till at least 6pm.

25 Responses to Sign Wave Today near ASU!

  1. Stacey says:

    Ch 10

    Ariz. House Panel Votes to Tweak Photo Enforcement
    Updated: Thursday, 08 Apr 2010, 1:10 PM MDT
    Published : Thursday, 08 Apr 2010, 1:10 PM MDT

    PHOENIX (AP) – An Arizona House committee has passed two bills tweaking Arizona’s photo enforcement system.

    The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved the bills on Thursday. They would prohibit photo enforcement cameras within 600 feet of a speed change and require that speed
    limits and warning signs be posted near cameras.

    The measures also would allow off-duty police officers to serve tickets to speeders caught on camera. And they would require 35 percent of speed camera profits to be used for law enforcement

    One of the bills would increase payments to justice courts to help them handle the new load of photo enforcement tickets.

    The measures next go to the full House after a legal review

    • B says:

      This is called a legal bribe of the cops.

      First they bought the legislators with a $16.50 “donation” from each speed camera ticket to go into the “Clean” Elections fund, and now they’re saying, “Hey – support us and we’ll give you a cut of the pie. And you won’t have to pull over as many dangerous felons. You’ll be more likely to be able to go home to your wives at the end of the day with this system.”

      Masterful lobbying by Redflex…

  2. Brent says:

    This is the best corner in Tempe..

    Thanks to those of you who nominated it.

  3. B says:

    Off-topic, but again, has removed a post with the word camerafraud in it, and it had dashes in it, in a non-repeating pattern.

    The thought just occurred to me… Is it possible that Redflex-supporting assholes (employees or not) are intentionally clicking the “Report Abuse” link on those posts, just to have them taken down and to keep the word about Camerafraud from spreading?

      • B says:

        Sometimes it has appeared that it was azcentral and some editors that were removing posts solely for conspiratorial reasons (maybe Redflex is paying them off, etc.). It very well may be that that is the case still…

        However, having a couple of paid Redflex douchebags (i.e. employees) do that kind of mindless grunt work makes much more sense. It’s not like a clear pro-camera presence as a group hasn’t been felt there before, when you’d post something anti-camera on a particular article, and within 2-3 minutes of posting it, there are 10+ “thumbs down”…)

        To any Redflex douches reading this – just how pathetic of a life do you live where your paycheck/livelihood depends on how much commenting, moderation, and/or abuse reporting you do?

    • Brent says:

      I think our word has spread far with or without the local barely-read paper..

      The fact that Channel_12+AZrepublic doesn’t cover this issue (which about 80% of the citizens side with us on) and ALL of their competition DOES cover us speaks volumes as to why.

      It’s about money, and it’s also about certain people in the “newsroom” there who know certain people at Redflex..

  4. alucard says:

    Whoever has the signs, please bring the “Will Flash For Cash!” sign and hold it for me! I’ll have a scamera head outfit which matches this theme perfectly! 😉

  5. insider info on my way out…

    Email passed around at ATS:

    Good Morning:

    More good news via TV station in Orlando, FL: “Red-Light Cameras Are Preventing Collisions”

    See it here:

    Also, if you have a Twitter account, you might consider following “SafetyCameras” – it is a good source of the great stories on photo enforcement.



    Jason Norton / Governmental Relations Director – Midwest

    American Traffic Solutions, Inc.

    2737 Hereford | St. Louis, MO 63139

    C 314 482 2637 | W 314 664 9898 | F 314 664 9895 | | |

    …Contact him if you like, let him know you know he is scamming everyone!…

    • Sorry for the delay. Comments with contact info posted in them are automatically held in moderation until someone gets a chance to look at them.


      (we made sure to pass this along on twitter)

      • PersonalFreedom says:

        no prob, i understand.

        • whoknows says:

          why would you work some company you despise? i assume your paycheck must be nice, so YOU TOO are simply motivated my the money? aaron burr. dont trust this fool.

          • PersonalFreedom says:

            do you read? i said it was my last day, i no longer work for that horrible place. I was only working there cuz I needed to support my family till I could find another job, which I have done finally! on the way out i decided to post some stuff from the inside. I was a disgruntled employee the whole time I was there.

            • RPr says:

              I wish you had stayed lol
              you gave good intel

            • whoknows says:

              yes. i can read. and i read rather well. your post said “on my way out”. interllectual interpretation of that could mean various things. it was not clearly, your last day, aaron burr. boo to cameras AND to you. traitor.

  6. PersonalFreedom says:

    also here’s a good one for ya. ‘executive vice president’ of ATS.

  7. PersonalFreedom says:

    address of newest ATS building..

    1330 W. Southern Ave. Tempe, AZ 85282

  8. PersonalFreedom says: ‘President’ of ATS

  9. Just Thinking says:

    I quit buying that paper a long time ago as it was not big enough for my Dashund to Wee Wee on.

  10. Stacey says:

    have to worry about automated cameras after all.

    The Hillsboro City Council Tuesday reversed its June 2009 decision to install a monitoring system offered by Redflex Traffic Systems Inc., of Phoenix, Ariz., at Northwest Evergreen Parkway and 185th Avenue.

    Breaking its signed contract with Redflex will set the city back $2,000, a penalty that would have been much higher had equipment already been installed.

    • Brent says:

      Wow, the liberal wingnuts in Oregon can get this right at the city council and the wallflowers at the Chandler City Council vote to extend a contract (by one year) that will be null and void on November 2nd.

      Way to go Mayor Dunn.. you and your anti-citizen councilmembers should look forward to a tougher election next time your term is up…

  11. jasonanthony says:

    Um, all you guys who are showing up at the sign waves… It would likely do more good if you came out and collected signatures with us….

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