Fight Back. Join CameraFRAUD.

as-featured-onWithin less than a year, CameraFRAUD has pushed the backlash against the cameras to the forefront of Arizona politics with a complete volunteer-based campaign.

We also support a 2010 ballot initiative which would end dangerous automated ticketing schemes throughout the state of Arizona.

ap-quoteNone of these efforts would be possible without the continued involvement of our volunteers, and we invite you to join us.

Our opponents in the automated ticketing industry have millions of dollars to spend and have already started running misleading and deceptive ads.

Support safer roads: Join CameraFRAUD today:


20 Responses to Fight Back. Join CameraFRAUD.

  1. mike says:

    How many signatures are we up to? It would be nice to keep us updated as to how close we are and what efforts are still needed.

  2. Tristin says:

    Hey guys! Nice job out there today on the 60!

    Whoever the bozo is that twittered “awe, boohoo you slowed down traffic and made me late”: Are you so ignorant you don’t understand the issue in front of your face. Get a clue sheep.

  3. Sure says:

    Thanks Tristan! Believe me, the honking was non-stop the whole time we were out there. If you get a chance come and participate. If you go over to the message board you can see our calendar of events.

  4. Brent says:

    Thanks to everyone who joined tonight, and thanks to Channel 12 ( for joining as well. So nice to see they actually arrived on scene before we did- now thats interesting..

  5. RPr says:

    More Redflex cameras coming down

    “Most well-conducted studies show that red-light cameras increase overall accident rates,” Rigsby said.

  6. LoneWolf says:

    One has to wonder why, of the dozens of miles of this stretch of road, the vehicle crossed the line right in front of a mobile van and slammed head on with the bus. Someone posted a link to one of the TV channel videos here the other day and it appeared the vehicle may have done this intentionally, like the driver was on a suicide mission and wanted witnesses or something.

    And this also poses a problem with video… we’re missing the big picture here. What was the car/driver doing before it came into the video’s line of sight? Even if he was under the influence of something, how does one miss seeing a DPS vehicle parked on the side and a big yellow school bus coming toward him in broad daylight? Had that vehicle been swerving between lanes from an observable distance from the DPS van, could this have been something that could’ve been prevented had there been an actual DPS officer on patrol?

    This will probably be another one of those stories that the scamera companies will take high praise for but people won’t see the other potential issues I’ve mentioned here.

    • LoneWolf says:

      And I forgot to add- chalk that one up as more proof that scameras don’t prevent accidents.

      Could it also be possible that the flash went off and blinded the driver momentarily only to find himself face to face with a school bus a couple seconds later? Even if he were under the influence of something, eyes can be very sensitive to bright light.

    • Ernest T. Bass says:

      there is only one big picture that you are missing !!!

      did you go hold a sign on friday? from the lack of celebration i have to assume that it was another CF Event Failure !!! but i certainly would like to know if you attended….or are you just talk !!! ???

    • There are multiple cameras and camera angles… You know that pole that sticks up? Video. I would like to see the rest of the videos. Anyone want to submit a FOIA request to get the other videos and expose the truth?

    • Sure says:

      According to DPS, they can zoom in and see what is on your dashboard. Could they zoom in ont he driver of the vehicle?

  7. Raj says:

    The next phase of Fraud.. Toll roads for Arizona. Brought to you by scum like Jan Brewer and her puppet state legislator:

  8. Sure says:

    I love 4409.

  9. Brent says:

    It’s almost time to get ready for the Holidays!

  10. duece says:


  11. duece says:

    Another Favre finish: Vikes rally past 49ers 27-24

  12. who says:

    Yikes, to bad 49ers.. oh and to bad monkey man got fired… would have been easier just to slow down.

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